Truck from a Dutch auction
Damage from hurricane Sandy (2002) still not dealt with
But you can get around with flexible waterpipes
Local hospital
Campismo close to pico del Turquino
We stay in the yellow house
No swimming in the ocean
But dinner with live music
and squid
Nice and quite a lot for 3 (our driver joined too)
Going on with breakfast
Very cheap
They didn't like yellow, when we left it turned blue
Quite difficult for a small car when the road is under maintenance
Beautiful coastline
Also here the main form of transport is the horsecart
Blocked tunnel since Sandy (2002)
A stone can work as hammer too, how to build an irrigation system
Goats have a lot of freedom
The Fidel museum, where he started his victory
How it looked in 1957
Museo Combata de la Plata
Primero Victoria del Ejercito Rebelde 17.01.1957